(English keywords)

Groups of keywords (from Oct., 2014)

This page shows groups of keywords in Division 11. Choose three keywords: one from the first group, one from the second, and one from the third. The sessions will be organized mainly on the basis of the first keyword, with the second and third ones taken into account when necessary. The authors should choose their keywords carefully, as an inappropriate choice may result in unintended consequences in the session organization.

Field of statistical mechanics and fundamental theory of condensed matter physics

The first group of keywords (models and systems)

    (1) spin glasses and random magnets
    (2) classical frustrated systems
    (3) classical spin systems in general
    (4) quantum spin systems and boson systems
    (5) electronic systems
    (6)cold atoms
    (7) quantum chaos
    (8) foundations of quantum theory
    (9) non-Hermitian systems (Joint session with Division 1,4,5 available)
    (10) other quantum mechanical systems
    (11) neural networks (including neuron models)
    (12) complex networks
    (13) biological and ecological systems (Joint session with Division 12)
    (14) social physics (including languages and game theory)
    (15) econophysics
    (16) statistical mechanics of information processing
    (17) dynamical systems (conservative systems)
    (18) reaction-diffusion systems
    (19) oscillator systems
    (20) active matter (Joint session with Division 12)
    (21) dynamical systems (many-body systems)
    (22) stochastic processes (including percolations)
    (23) granular materials and traffic flows
    (24) friction and earthquakes
    (25) quantum dynamics, quantum thermodynamics
    (26) stochastic thermodynamics, entropy
    (27) nonequilibrium systems (transport phenomena, phase transitions, etc.)
    (28) classical many-body systems (thermodynamics, phase, structures, etc.) 
    (29) glassy systems (Joint session with Division 12)
    (30) other systems

The second group of keywords (phenomena)

    (31) phase diagrams, phase transitions, and critical phenomena in equilibrium systems
    (32) quantum phase transitions
    (33) entanglement
    (34) level statistics and semiclassical theory
    (35) relaxation, hysteresis, response, and transport phenomena
    (36) transition phenomena in nonequilibrium systems
    (37) fluctuation in nonequilibrium systems
    (38) nonlinear phenomena
    (39) fractals
    (40) empirical statistical laws (power-law, etc.)
    (41) society and economy
    (42) learning and associative memory
    (43) evolution, adaptation, and extinction
    (44) image processing and optimization
    (45) development of methods
    (46) low-dimensional chaos (including bifurcation) 
    (47) high-dimensional chaos
    (48) pattern formation, fracture mechanics, self-organization, and boundary motions
    (49) convection and turbulence
    (50) other phenomena

The third group of keywords (methods)

    (51) exact solutions
    (52) perturbation theory
    (53) variational methods
    (54) first-principles calculation
    (55) tensor network
    (56) other analytical methods
    (57) other phenomenological analysis
    (58) numerical diagonalization
    (59) Monte Carlo simulations
    (60) molecular dynamics simulations
    (61) other numerical calculations
    (62) experiments
    (63) data analyses and visualization

Field of applied mathematics, mechanics, and fluid dynamics

The first group of keywords (models and systems)

    (64) classical and quantum integrable systems
    (65) discrete systems (including ultra-discrete systems and cellular automata)
    (66) dynamical systems and related topics
    (67) numerical algorithms
    (68) other mathematical models
    (69) rigid and elastic bodies
    (70) complex fluids (including non-Newtonian, multicomponent, multiphase fluids, etc.)
    (71) incompressible fluids
    (72) compressible fluids and rarefied gases
    (73) electromagnetic fluids
    (74) thermal fluids
    (75) geophysical and astrophysical fluids (including rotating and stratified fluids)

The second group of keywords (phenomena)

    (76) symmetry and conservation laws
    (77) solitons
    (78) Painleve properties
    (79) waves (including nonlinear, acoustic, and shock waves)
    (80) turbulence
    (81) chaos
    (82) stability (including bifurcation and transitions)
    (83) transport and diffusion phenomena
    (84) self-organization (including ordered structure, pattern formation, etc.)
    (85) creeping flows
    (86) flows around a body or bodies
    (87) vortex motions
    (88) free-boundary motions (excluding wave motions)  

The third group of keywords (methods)

    (89) exact solutions and analytical approaches
    (90) numerical simulations
    (91) perturbation theory, approximation theory, and modeling
    (92) experiments
    (93) visualization